Friday, May 9, 2014

DRUDKH Вічний оберт колеса (2012)
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Label: Season of Mist
Rating: 7.5/10

After a disappointing foray into the mixture of shoegaze and Black Metal that was Пригорща Зірок, Drudkh returned to their atmospheric roots. All of the instruments in this album are fantastic, remember that. I'll get back to this. This album has to do with the pagan Slavic idea of the wheel on which the world spins that causes the seasons, if I've understood it correctly. The lyrics heavily feature nature, are beautifully written, and each song deals with a different season.

With an intro track, "Вічне коло," that is sounds of nature, they proceed to track two out of five, "Подих холодної чорної землі (Березень)." This song is supposed to represent the beginnings of spring, with the name of the month March in parentheses (this occurs in each song, a different month). This album is reminiscent of a higher production-value Forgotten Legends in style of writing, with really just a few riffs dominating each song. Some of the riffs in this song have a definite Ukrainian touch, but it's a blend of the wall of sound riffs of later Drudkh mixed with that that dominates the album. "Коли боги залишають свої смарагдові чертоги (Серпень)," song three, deals with August. I think this is their strongest song from this album. It sounds like it could be from Кров у Наших Криницях, at least in part. It communicates mostly a feeling of strength, musically; lyrically, it's about the gods and their sweet gifts given to man upon the change of summer to fall. The outro riff feels very terminal, and it fades out. A very well-written song.

Next up is "Прощання зі скорботними птахами осені (Жовтень)." I love the lyrics to this song. But it may be that what I love most of all is that this song does  not give an impression that they were trying to point to or copy the feel of a past album. It is modern Drudkh, and that is an excellent thing. At about 2/3 the way through, it cuts away to a wind effect, and the sound of a bird, but then the music restarts. The riff at 4:25 is priceless, as is the one that conjoins it. Then at about 4:51 is another great riff. Then it returns to the main part of the song. The lyrics and the music to this song are so powerful. It ends with the sound of birds and someone walking through snow. Next is "Ніч зіткана зі снігу, вітрів та сивих зірок (Грудень)." This song, dealing with December, has phenomenal basslines. In fact, the bass is great throughout this album, but it really steals the show in this song. It's clearly audible under the main riff. After the main riff comes a very emotive section of guitar such as Drudkh has proven expert in crafting. It is a heartful song. Whoever wrote the lyrics to this album is a brilliant writer; these lyrics are so evocative. Upon checking, if you do not understand any Ukrainian, stick this song's lyrics into Google Translate. It gives a clean, flawless translation, unlike with the rest of the songs from this album. About 3/4 of the way through, it fades to wind again, with light guitar playing over it. It's actually a wonderful outro.

I thought this album was a great return for Drudkh. It's not as amazing as their stuff Microcosmos and before, but it's promising. It's certainly worth purchasing. If you want the vinyl, you'll have to peruse Discogs; I don't know whether there is a jewel case CD, and the digipack sold out long ago. At any rate, you can always buy the electronic files of their albums via the Bandcamp that Season of Mist has set up here.  Слава!

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