Monday, May 19, 2014

BÖLZER - Aura (2013)
Genre: Black/Death Metal
Label: Iron Bonehead Productions
Rating: 9/10

Most Black/Death Metal bands centre around dark, evil themes. While Bölzer are certainly dark, they aren't in the "evil" category. Rather, I'd call them...mysterious. And what this duo accomplishes on this EP is simply amazing, and a big step up from Roman Acupuncture.

Opener "Coronal Mass Ejaculation," starts off with a rather...mystical riff for a Black/Death band. However, it is dark. The vocals are varied between low growls and clean cries. The fourth riff (chorus?) has what I can only describe as a weird sound to it, quite unlike what any other band in this genre would write. In fact a lot of the riffs in this song are that way. A brief sampling of the well-written lyrics shows that the uniqueness does not end at the music: "Ultraviolet hallucination/Photosynthetic onanation/Ultraviolent stimulation/Coronal mass ejaculation."

Track two, "Entranced by the Wolfshook," features some of the most addictive riffage on this EP, and has plenty of that unique style of harmonisation and melody that Bölzer have made themselves known for. The intro riff features KzR playing high up the neck. The picking rhythm in the verse just makes you want to label somebody. "Entranced by the wolfshook/Hypnotized by blood/Condemned to the wolfshook/Accomplice in blood" are my favourite lyrics from the song. The third and final track, "The Great Unifier," is by far the longest song on the EP. It is absolutely filled with great chord progressions. The lyrics are especially killer, like these verses:
Inner calm, outer storm
My demons seeketh rest
Amidst cold, raging times
I am but a demon at best

This calm cannot last
Myself seeketh me
Outside warm, peaceful times
A man I must be

The great sanctifier, shadow-clad fist
The quantum curator, dancer in the mist
The grand neutralizer, in figure of eight
The sword in the seed, your fate germinate

The production on this EP also stands out. Very bassy, clear, and great instrumentation. I own this on tape and it's a fantastic little buy. You can find the vinyl on Iron Bonehead's Bandcamp, as well as a digital download. If you want the tape, you'll have to find it on some distro or discogs. Enjoy, support, and BUY OR DIE.

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