Monday, May 5, 2014

Genre: Métal noir québécois
Label: Sepulchral Productions
Rating: 8.5/10

Sepulchral Productions put together this wonderful split release on vinyl only, on 45 rpm 2x7”, with a die-hard edition that is limited to 500 (my copy is # 002) that comes with a good-sized poster and a patch with the same design, a Fleur de Lys with an inverted cross attached to it. Anyway, the idea was to pay tribute to québécois legends, and it is for the most part done legendarily.

The first track is Forteresse's “Wendigo.” I am already a huge fan of Forteresse. I feel that with this song, they have truly hit the mark. They re-found their old sound, like they were on Métal Noir Québécois but with a much better production and real drums. The whole song is extremely addictive. It makes the listener want to beg for more new Forteresse. In due time, I suppose. The lyrics are great, as usual, my favourite lines being the second verse.
Je suis le souffle du nord
Sous la montagne je réside
Il y a sur mes mains du frimas
Et mon cœur est fait de glace
As soon as I put the needle down on this track, I knew it was worth buying.

Chasse-Galerie are up next with a beautiful and nostalgic-feeling song entitled “Le Bois des Belles.” I will confess that this is the first C-G I have owned, despite having an electronic copy of one of their releases, but I saw them live at the first Messe des Morts and they are truly special. Like Forteresse, they are patriotes québécois, and it shows in their music and their live performances.

The third track is Monarque, with “La Griffe du Diable.” Monarque are another incredible band whom I've had the pleasure of seeing live multiple times, particularly special given that they will no longer perform live. This particular performance is a great one, Monarque's signature bleakness and ugliness, combined with their darkness. This is my second favourite track off this split. This is, like Forteresse in a way, more of a return to form for Monarque, getting away from the ambience of Lys Noir and heading more towards the Fier Hérétique sound.

Last, but certainly not least, is a strong performance by Csejthe, one of the more melodic bands of the MNQ scene. The song's lyrics are from Marie-Josephte Corriveau, an early Québec legend put to death by the British. This song, entitled “Murmures Nocturnes,” has a sinister feel to it, it truly captures the feel of the lyrics. Since they're so short, I'll reprint them here for you
Dans ces années noires
Les nuits d'hiver
Le mal est présent
Ancré dans sa chair

Étant jeune enfant
Noyé de prières
Pleurant le temps
Des années de misère
Overall, this turned out to be one of the most exciting releases of the year. Big props to Sepulchral Productions for making this happen, and for all he's done for the Québec metal scenes, with exposing so many great bands to the world and for establishing the annual Messe des Morts. If you live within driving distance of Montréal, I can definitely recommend attending any show he puts on. In fact, this year is the 15th anniversary of Sepulchral Productions, and he is hosting a special concert. So far, Antaeus is headlining!; Forteresse are playing Métal Noir Québécois in its entirety, Sombres Forêts are playing their last live show ever with members of Gris helping out, and Chasse-Galerie are also playing, with more TBA. Guaranteed to kill you or your money back.

This is still available through Sepulchral's BigCartel on black vinyl. Definitely recommended.


P.S.  If you wish to keep track of the 15th Anniversary show, you can do so here and here.

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