Monday, May 26, 2014

Drowned -
Rehearsal demo 12/2012
Genre: Death Metal
Rating: 8/10

The Death metal entity Drowned has roamed in the underground for quite a few years.
Going all the way back to 1992. Personally I became aware of the band when their Demo Viscera Terræ
was released on vinyl and cd by Nuclear Winter Records (vinyl), and Worship Him Records (cd)
As did probably alot of others, cause with Viscera Terræ, Drowned made something special.
Prior to their infamous demo from 2006, the band released 4 demos as well as an Ep, and went through numerous Line-up changes. As they have yet again since Viscera Terræ. Tlmnn is the only member having been in the band through all these years, joined forces with G.ST and T.E in 2010 and this two track demo is their only release so far. It's definitely a worthy follow up to Viscera Terræ, and leaving little to be missed except more than only two songs. That being said it's doesn't surpass V.T but it's as close as you can come.  The production is as to be expected from a rehearsal demo, it's murky and it fits the tracks well.  Cast Into Negative Form is easily the strongest of the two tracks presented, and the drumming is especially good on this track. The highlight of the track comes at 2.15 when the tracks slows down to a halt, and the lead at 3.44 onwards really lifts the whole of it to a whole other level. If there's one thing Tlmnn knows it's creating good leads on his guitar. If you're into Occult Death Metal, and haven't checked out Drowned already, then you should get on it asap,  you will not be disappointed.
I'm unsure if the tape is still available, but either way you can listen to both tracks via Drowned's Soundcloud, their Bandcamp, or their homepage.

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