Wednesday, May 7, 2014

BLACK OATH - Ov Qliphoth and Darkness (2013)
Genre: Doom Metal
Label: I Hate
Rating: 8.5/10

This is one of my favourite releases of 2013. I'm usually wary of bands that use "ov" instead of "of," but one listen to this album will dispel any reluctance you previously had. It's sort of classic doom; I think they even play in standard tuning, or if not then half a step down. The highlight of this band, I feel, are the vocals. The singer, credited as, truly has an astounding voice. And his vocal parts are genius - you will not be able to listen to this album without wanting to sing along. The guitars, bass, and drums all work towards an amazing job for the entire affect of this amazing album.

Track one, "Esbat (Lamiae Sinagoge pt. 2)" is essentially an instrumental with some chanting and whispers. Track two, "...For His Coming," features some of my favourite vocals from this album, though that's a tough decision, given how strong a singer is. It is a very strong song. Track three, "Sinful Waters," features my favourite guitar riffs on the entire album. It leaves you wishing it would never end, and is certainly very dark.
Track 4, "Scent of a Burning Witch," starts off very slowly. Watch yourself if you listen to this on the subway, for you might start singing aloud with the dark majesty in his vocals. The rhythm to the chorus of this song truly rubs off on you. The drumming is simple, but ace. And finally, a guitar solo! I knew that musicians of this calibre would be able to craft a tasteful and masterful guitar solo. I missed that during the first few go-rounds. The ending to this song is to be loved. "Witch Night Curse," track five, starts off with minimal guitar and organ in the background, and then features a great call-and-response guitar and drum riff. There's a great guitar solo two thirds of the way through the song. The ending is made somewhat dramatic.

The title track, "Ov Qliphoth and Darkness," is oddly dirge-like, for this band. Lyrically, this is probably my favourite track off this album. It is also the most sparse song on the album. "Drakon, Its Shadow Upon Us" is the seventh track, beginning with some synth. It then kicks over to a swift pace with all instruments. The riffage is great, but, again, the vocals are what steal the show in this song. Track eight, "...My Death," is absolutely phenomenal. It features a great, sinister distorted riff, with a clean arpeggiated guitar over it. The song, especially the distorted guitar parts, have a fatal feel to them, befitting a song so entitled. A great closer to an amazing album... but wait! There's a bonus track! An Acheron cover, "Ave Satanas" has a very Sabbath feel at times, until it opens up to a chant of "AVE SATANAS." Overall a short song, but a good inclusion.

Italy has spawned such greats in extreme metal as the legendary and influential Bulldozer, and a personal favourite of mine, Forgotten Tomb. This album is not really extreme in any way, but it is metal, so I felt it proper to review it, in addition to my love for this band. It's also not very slow for doom, but, again, it's more in the classical vein of doom than, say, 40 Watt Sun or Warning or Moss. If you like Cauchemar, although this band is somewhat heavier than they are in the doom sense, and lacking the heavy metal aspect of Cauchemar, I think you'll like Black Oath. If you appreciate really good clean singing, you should definitely check out Black Oath somehow. (By the way, Cauchemar will be featured in a future review, rather soon in fact, so if you don't know them, you will soon enough). You can buy various editions of the vinyl and the MC here.

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