Tuesday, April 29, 2014

TEITANBLOOD - Death (2014)
Genre(s): Black/Death Metal
Label: Norma Evangelium Diaboli
Rating:  8.5/10
This album has only been out for a month and it has received numerous repeat listens by me, sometimes consecutively. Their low-tuned guitars are pure chaos, as one could expect from Teitanblood. NSK's vocals are spot-on, brilliantly recorded and projected. J's drums sound perfect.

In an album of extremely solid numbers, my personal favourite is "Sleeping Throats of the Antichrist." The riff that starts at 9:13 in said song ices my heart, and then melts it. In "Plagues of Forgiveness," the drumming is particularly stellar, the riffs malign. "Cadaver Synod" is another instant favourite. The intro riff is an instant hook. "Unearthed Veins" is yet another show-stealer, and I mean every riff. "Burning in Damnation Fires" is a fast one, with plenty of low chaos. On the closer, "Silence of the Great Martyrs," the terminal nine minutes or so is the perfect touch, with what sounds like Orthodox chanting going on for much of that time. The only reason I deducted half a point from the score I would have otherwise given it is because the guitars do sound a bit thin as compared to Seven Chalices. That's my only complaint, though. This album is such an inspiration to me.

The LP has sold out virtually everywhere it's appeared, though as of this writing, Gilead Media has copies in stock (it's a gatefold DLP) for Americans/Canadians.  As for Europeans, Northern Heritage Records has it in stock it appears.  The CD can be found in many places; for Americans/Canadians, I recommend The Ajna Offensive.

UPDATE: The Ajna Offensive has announced that there will be a repressing of Death due out shortly, when they return from their furlough.

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